Mummies share the frailties and strengths of mortals but are immune to vampiric blood and may not become Embraced.
Mummies have a Balance rating equivalent to Humanity, or the Path of Typhon for Apepnu. Unlike other mummies, Apepnu have a Beast and may frenzy due to the ifrit bound to their souls, but they are unaffected by R�tschreck.
Rather than through Generation, a mummy�s threshold for attribute maximums is equal to its Balance. Balance acts as a base rating for Sekhem, which may be drawn from like a vampire�s blood pool to fuel Hekau, mummies� specific brand of magic.
A mummy regains one point of Sekhem each day at dawn. If the sun is visible in the place he resides, he may spend one hour in meditation to regain more Sekhem by rolling his Balance rating (difficulty 8). Apepnu may only regain Sekhem by either subjecting themselves to fire (which deals lethal damage to them and restores a point of Sekhem for each wound soaked), or by consuming the flesh of the dead (or undead). When reduced to zero Sekhem, a mummy grows withered; its Appearance drops to zero, and its dice pools and speed are halved.
Instead of Disciplines, mummies study Hekau. They may learn any Thaumaturgical or Necromantic Path (including rituals) without a tutor, as in-Clan Disciplines.
Mummies who reach Incapacitated fall into impermanent death, travel to the Underworld, and temporarily transform into wraiths, but retain all their base statistics. While in the Underworld, they must find a soul with a roughly intact body to join with. Following that, the mummy spends a point of Sekhem, then rolls Willpower + Balance (difficulty equal to the body�s rate of decay; 6 for a whole, fresh, young corpse; 9 for a body reduced to ash and dust). A failed roll requires one full day before a second attempt to resurrect is made. Short of atomization from a nuclear blast, a mummy will never meet Final Death.
Like vampires, mummies may soak lethal damage, and all bashing damage is halved. Mummies heal at twice the normal rate of a standard mortal. They may spend a point of Sekhem to soak one level of aggravated damage, as well as heal all non-aggravated wounds they sustain.
note: Due to there not being a lot of information within the 20th Anniversary Edition book on Mummies, creation is being done like creating a Kindred character outside of Balance and Sekhem. Please adhere to this, or the character sheet can be subject to automatic denial.