Making a Kindred character is done according to the rules found in the V20 Edition Core book. Here are the rules that apply to each section, as we see fit:

STEP ONE: Choose a Concept, Clan, Nature, and Demeanor
Concept generally refers to who the character was before becoming a vampire. Many Kindred cling desperately to any salvageable aspects of their former selves � their self-image, their occupation, how they lived, what was unique about them. In their new nocturnal world, echoes of their mortal lives are all that stand between many Kindred and madness.

Clans: a character�s Clan is their vampire �family�, the undead legacy into which they were Embraced. Vampires are always of the same Clan as the one who sired them. Further information can be found within Chapter Two of the V20 Core book.

note: Due to a limitation on Bloodlines, please create a ticket ( ⁠cs-submissions ) to speak with the Storytellers prior to going further with creating your character.

Nature and Demeanor: After choosing Concept and Clan, you should choose your character�s Nature and Demeanor. These behavioral Traits, known as Archetypes, help players understand their character�s personalities.

Demeanor is the way a character presents themselves to the outside world. It is the �mask� they wear to protect their inner self.

Nature is the character�s �real� self, the person they truly are. Nature should not be the only aspect of a character�s true personality, merely the most dominant. Nature if also used to determine a character�s ability to regain Willpower points.

note: For a complete list of Archetypes from which to select Nature and Demeanor, refer to pages 87-96 of the V20 core book.

STEP TWO: Attributes
Attributes are the natural abilities and raw capabilities a character is made of. How strong is a character? How attractive? How quick? How smart? Attributes take all these questions and more into account. All Kindred characters have nine (9) Attributes, which are divided into three categories: Physical (Strength, Dexterity, Stamina), Social (Charisma, Manipulation, Appearance) and Mental (Perception, Intelligence, Wits).

Prioritize the three categories: Physical, Social, Mental (7|5|3).
Characters automatically have one dot in each Attribute.

STEP THREE: Abilities
Abilities are also divided into three categories: Talents, Skills and Knowledges. Talents are intuitive Abilities that are inherent or learned by honing raw aptitude. Skills are Abilities learned through rigorous training and determination, along with being improved with careful practice.. but can also be studied or learned. Knowledges are typically mental pursuits or studies learned through schooling or research.

Prioritize the three categories: Talents, Skills, Knowledges (13|9|5).
No Ability higher than 3 at this stage.

STEP FOUR: Advantages
This is the part of the creation process where the Kindred truly becomes unique. Advantages are traits that make the Kindred a contender in the hierarchy of the night. Unlike other traits, Advantages are not prioritized, a set number of dots are allocated to each category. Although this number is fixed, additional Advantage dots may be purchased with freebie points.

When embraced, the character�s sire passes on certain blood-based mystical powers, known as Disciplines. Each character begins with three (3) dots, which can be allocated as the player chooses. Disciplines purchased with Advantage dots must be from the three Clan Disciplines all Clans possess. Further information on Disciplines can be found in Chapter Two, Bloodlines refer to Chapter Ten and those choosing the Caitiff Clan can choose whatever Discipline they would like.

note: Disciplines purchased with freebie points need not be Clan Disciplines.

A starting character has five (5) dots worth of Background, which may be distributed at the player�s discretion. Background Traits should fit the character concept.

Virtues are especially important to Kindred characters. They provide the moral backbone for characters and determine how readily they resist the temptations of the Beast. A character�s emotional responses are very closely tied to their Virtues, these Traits define how well that character resist frenzy and how keenly the urges of the Beast and the Hunger, and most Kindred lose points in their Virtues as they grow older and more callous.

Kindred characters have three Virtues. Conscience governs a character�s sense of right and wrong, while Self-Control determines how readily they maintain their composure and contains their Hunger. Courage measures the character�s gumption and ability to withstand the proximity of fire, sunlight, and other things that Kindred dread.

Allocated points: Disciplines (3), Backgrounds (5), Virtues (7).
Characters automatically have one dot in each Virtue.

note: Concerning Generation - while we allow characters to be as high as 6th generation, it is highly encouraged that not every submission is of higher generations, as we would like to see some lower ones in the mix. After all, we are all here to tell stories and develop our characters from them.

Information on creating and Elder character, including the Age background can be located here.

STEP FIVE: Finishing Touches
At this stage, you may spend fifth teen (15) freebie points to personalize your character. However, a bit of housekeeping needs to be done first.

A character�s starting Humanity rating equals the sum of their Conscience + Self-Control traits, yielding a score between 5 and 9. You can increase Humanity with freebie points, as too low a rating indicates that the Beast lies in a close proximity.

note: Characters on Paths other than Humanity may use different Virtues to determine their initial Path ratings. Consult the Paths section starting on page 313 of the V20 core book to determine which Path uses which Virtues.

A character�s beginning Willpower rating equal their Courage dots, and thus ranges from 1 to 5. Players often raise their starting Willpower with freebie points, as the trait is critical to dealing with a Kindred�s dangerous emotional situations. Willpower is also used to resist frenzy, undertake especially daunting tasks and power certain Discipline effects.

The next step is to determine the Kindred�s starting blood pool. This is done by simply rolling a a 10-sided die. The number is the number of blood points a character has in his system at the beginning, this is the only die roll that is made during the creation process.

Now it�s time to spend the fifth teen (15) freebie points to purchase additional dots in Traits. These points may be spent however you choose, though the Storyteller is the final arbiter of what they choose to allow. Each dot has a variable freebie-point cost based on which type of Trait it is, consult the chart of page 82 of the V20 core book for further details.

Cairo After Dark encourages players to exercise creativity and imagination when building characters and portraying them. We encourage players to research history and think about a character�s personality and motivations. A rich and detailed background can make the difference between a big part in a play and a central player in the combined tapestry of our shared story.

Cairo After Dark encourages players to create unique and original characters. While known figures, both fictional and real, have a place in the World of Darkness, not everyone can be named Strahd or Lucian. While such characters can serve as inspiration, we ask that players not copy figures from history, movies, literature, or elsewhere. Players should create their own fictitious characters and build unique and interesting stories around them so that we can participate in a new and refreshing world of adventure.