The information within these pages of the website has been taken from the Elysium: the Elder Wars book to help with creation of Elder characters ONLY. All this information is respectfully copyrighted and trademarked by Paradox Interactive AB and are used with permission. All rights reserved. For more information, please visit Community - Paradox Interactive.
When creating an Elder character, their Nature, Demeanor and Clan are all determined as outline in the V20 Corebook, as are Attributes, Abilities and Backgrounds. However, the Elder character may initially purchase at least five (5) dots in any of her Abilities; vampires with the Elder Generation Background (see further below) may have ever fewer restrictions.
Elder characters require more preparation that the start of their creation, for they have existed as Kindred for at least a mortal�s lifetime, and quite often many such spans of time. They have seen more than is possible for the brief-lived humans of their acquaintances, and though they may not have grown wise with the many years, they have undoubtedly grown in some manner.
Seeing the world rush out around them while they remain unchanged, watching generations of their families born and die in the space of an eye-blink, awaking from torpor to utterly alien surroundings, while all the time making their way in the murky world of Kindred politics is an existence that forms complex characters.
When several players each create such fully fleshed, multi-dimensional personalities, mantled in the world�s history, the roleplaying potential in the situation is extraordinarily rich.
This works the same as in V20, save that a player assigns ten (10) dots to the character�s Attributes category, seven (7) to their secondary one and five (5) to their tertiary one. The character also starts with one dot in each Attribute.
The older a character is and the more experience they have, the greater number of freebie points the player can expend during character creation. By take the Age background (see further below for further information), the character can receive additional points.
note: If a character has a starting Attribute, Ability or Advantage of 6 or higher after spending all freebie points, they must take a Derangements for each Trait.
Once again, choose Abilities is handled as usual expect for the larger number of points available, depending on the character�s Generation. Thus, a player with a character of the 10th Generation can choose up to five (5) dots in a starting Ability, while a 7th Generation Elder could choose up to six (6). An Elder character gets twenty (20) dots for his primary, twelve (12) for is secondary and eight (8) for the tertiary one.
The base points that players may use for Elder character�s Disciplines, Backgrounds and Virtues are listed below. Advantages are chosen as norma with the follow exceptions:
Disciplines: Elder characters may start with up to their Trait maximum in any Discipline. Elders get ten (10) dots to divide up as they wish, though at least five (5) must go into clan-specific disciplines.
Backgrounds: Elder backgrounds (Age, Generation, Status) cost four point per dot. Elders have fifteen (15) points to assign in Backgrounds. All Elders must take at least one dot in Age. For purposes of character generation, Elder vampires start at 10th generation instead of the normal 13th.
Virtues: Note that Elder characters receive seven (7) dots to spend on Virtues, though they do start with one (1) dot in each. Freebie points can, of course, be spend on additional dots here, but note that Virtues cost Elder character four (4) freebie points per dot due to the difficulty of maintaining these throughout the long, jaded nights of their existence.
Willpower: Base Willpower is determined normally, equaling the character�s Courage rating.
Humanity: It is extraordinarily difficult for Elder vampires to hold on to their Humanity; the endless years, the peer pressure and politics, and the seduction of great power all combine to make this a particularly fragile quality among Elder Kindred. Elder characters must spend five (5) freebie points per dot of Humanity.
Elders start with Humanity equal to Conscience + Self Control, bit note that taking the Age background reduces the character�s initial rating.
Freebie Points: layers start with at least 20 freebies point to spend on their Elder character. However, dots in the Age background significantly increase the number of freebie points available.
Blood Pool: yers roll two 10-sided dice to determine the character�s initial Blood Pool (any dots exceeding the character�s maximum Blood Poll are discarded).
Further information on Backgrounds, Merits & Flaws can be found here.