Making a Bastet (Changing Breed, page 70) character is done according to the rules found in the W20 Edition Core book. Here are the rules that apply to each section, as we see fit:
STEP ONE: Choose a Concept, Breed, Auspice and Tribe
STEP TWO: Attributes
Prioritize the three categories: Physical, Social, Mental (7|5|3).
Note that each Attribute starts with one dot before you add any.
Rate Physical Traits: Strength, Dexterity, Stamina.
Rate Social Traits: Charisma, Manipulation, Appearance.
Rate Mental Traits: Perception, Intelligence, Wites.
STEP THREE: Abilities
Prioritize the three categories: Talents, Skills, Knowledges (13|9|5).
Choose Talents, Skills Knowledges.
No Ability higher than 3 at this stage.
STEP FOUR: Advantages
Choose Backgrounds (5; selection restricted by tribe), Gifts (three, once from breed, auspice and tribe), Renown (by auspice).
STEP FIVE: Finishing Touches
At this stage, you want to record your Rage (by auspice), Gnosis (by breed), Willpower (by tribe) and Rank (1; cliath).
Now it's time to spend the fifth teen (15) freebie points to purchase additional dots in Traits. These points may be spent however you choose, though the Storyteller is the final arbiter of what they choose to allow. Each dot has a variable freebie-point cost based on which type of Trait it is, consult the chart of page 114 of the W20 core book for further details.
Cairo After Dark encourages players to exercise creativity and imagination when building characters and portraying them. We encourage players to research history and think about a character�s personality and motivations. A rich and detailed background can make the difference between a big part in a play and a central player in the combined tapestry of our shared story.
Cairo After Dark encourages players to create unique and original characters. While known figures, both fictional and real, have a place in the World of Darkness, not everyone can be named Strahd or Lucian. While such characters can serve as inspiration, we ask that players not copy figures from history, movies, literature, or elsewhere. Players should create their own fictitious characters and build unique and interesting stories around them so that we can participate in a new and refreshing world of adventure.