Making a Mortal/Hunter character is done according to the rules found in the Hunter�s Hunted II book. Here are the rules that apply to each section, as we see fit:
STEP ONE: Character Concept
Choose Concept, Motivation, Nature and Demeanor, Age, Sex and Residence.
These are quite important, so give it some thought before you move on. Stay away from obvious combat-oriented concepts if you're not much of the combative type.
STEP TWO: Select Attributes
Prioritize the three categories: Physical, Social and Mental (7/5/3).
Your character automatically starts with one dot in each Attribute.
STEP THREE: Select Abilities
Prioritize the three categories: Talents, Skills, Knowledges (13/9/5).
STEP FOUR: Select Advantages
Choose Backgrounds (5), and rate Virtues (7).
Your character automatically has one dot in each Virtue.
STEP FIVE: Finishing Touches
Record Humanity (equal to Conscience + Self-Control) and Willpower (equal to Courage).
Spend freebie points (21).
Choose Merits and Flaws (max 7 points).
Cairo After Dark encourages players to exercise creativity and imagination when building characters and portraying them. We encourage players to research history and think about a character�s personality and motivations. A rich and detailed background can make the difference between a big part in a play and a central player in the combined tapestry of our shared story.
Cairo After Dark encourages players to create unique and original characters. While known figures, both fictional and real, have a place in the World of Darkness, not everyone can be named Strahd or Lucian. While such characters can serve as inspiration, we ask that players not copy figures from history, movies, literature, or elsewhere. Players should create their own fictitious characters and build unique and interesting stories around them so that we can participate in a new and refreshing world of adventure.
Storytellers have modified character creation to suit the game. With that said, here is a list of things we don't want to see on your character sheet:
Any Supernatural Related Merits/Flaws