This is a game of Gothic Horror, so it should not come as a surprise to you that sometimes, characters meet their Final Death. If that happens, half of their accrued XP, rounded up, can be passed on to your next character, if you choose to create one. Note, this XP cannot be transferred to your existing secondary character.

Having said all of that, let us be clear in saying that character death is taken very seriously here. This is not a D&D server, and WoD is much more about social and political interactions, growth, and power building instead of combat.

However, don't be surprised if the Brujah that your character is constantly insulting loses his cool and pounds your hapless vampire into a bloody pulp. Or if the Toreador whose evening gown you accidentally ruined by spilling wine on it makes it a point to destroy any semblance of a good reputation, making you a social outcast. Vampires are cunning and long-lived. Some may decide to ash you for the trouble you're causing them, while others might make your unlife unbearable. Don't needlessly kick the hornet's nest.

If Character Death or Serious Injury is about to happen, please tag a Storyteller so we can moderate the events.

CAD has a courtesy of not only asking for consent for combat, but the risk of the death of a character. If a player does not consent to the death of their character, all necessary means of preventing such should be done by the player, Player Narrator or Storyteller. This would include the use of the Bow Out rule stated below within reason.

There will be times in-game that exploring some fairly dark, visceral, grim, depressing, awful subject will happen. There will be grotesque body horror and casual brutality at times. For this reason, we provide the Bow Out rule. If there is ever a scene that get to a place that is too much for you as a player to responsibly handle, for any reason, you are allowed to Bow Out, stopping participation in that scene without repercussions.

No one is ever going to make you play something you just can't or are uncomfortable with, this is a hobby we all do for fun, not mental or emotional trauma. If a player chooses to exercise their right to Bow Out, that scene must immediately freeze, and the Storytellers tagged to help find a solution for all parties involved.

If you are inactive, meaning zero posts IC, for two weeks you are moved to inactive status and lose your player status. This means you will not accrue any XP.

If you occupy a restricted slot (bloodlines, mortals, independents, etc.), then once you are inactive, you have one week (week 3 of inactivity) before losing that slot, meaning that if you return, and there is not a slot available for you, you will need to make a new character.

Also, if you give us a warning for an extended leave of absence, then we can move you to inactive, but will give you an additional week (week 4 of inactivity) to become active again if you have a restricted slot.

Players may and are encouraged to narrate scenes for other players as well. These scenes are meant to allow players to help enhance the story for others, maybe cause a bit of drama, and earn +1 XP extra for the week.

• You can make 1-shot/knock-off NPCs for a narrated scene.
• Combat is an option, but it keep scene appropriate and at a super low level (Dice pools of 3-6 for stuff and mortals).
•Player narrated scenes will very likely not lead to new background dots, but could showcase a PC working to build up to a new background dot.

If potential consequences arise, such as:
• Frenzy
• Combat
• (potential) Masquerade breaches

Tag the Storytellers. If the player narrating the scene knows the rules well enough, the STs won't take over but will keep tabs. If there are some obscurities or unclear rules, then STs will be the final arbiter.

• You are allowed to be involved in more than one scene at a time. Within Reason.
• You are only allowed to be involved in one Storyteller run scene at a time.
• You are only allowed to narrate one scene at a time. Narrated scenes count as Storyteller run scenes.
• You are only allowed one time-bubbled scene at a time. These scenes always occur whenever they finish. This includes any events, major ST scenes, etc.

When a group finishes a scene, the player acting as Narrator is to write a brief synopsis of where, who, and what so the Staff knows what is happening within the story. There is a channel called #scene-synopses under the Chronicle Resources category to place them.

Writing Synopsis: Writing a synopsis in scene-synopses serves a few key purposes on this server. Synopses allow us to know a number of things:
1. Activity.
2. Narrated scenes (on either end) for extra XP.
3. Participation in major plot events.
4. Masquerade breaches, players distributing plot, other in-game hooks, etc.

None of us have the time to read every single post that happens on the server. Especially during peak activity.

If you are in a scene and it goes dead for 24hrs, ping the player(s) involved. If nothing happens in another day, wrap it up with something short and sweet.

Write up your synopsis and mention that "the scene went dead" so you closed it. This, of course, does not apply if there is a combat encounter or other consequential scene. At that point, tag @Archon. We don�t want players feeling stuck in scenes that �never end�. We know real life happens.

Discord has a feature that will be extremely helpful in some of our channels. When starting a phone call, text message, or whatnot, you can create a thread right in the message box. That way, we can have more than one conversation going on at a time without stepping on each other's toes. If you need help getting one started, just ask an Administrator.