All staff members still must adhere to all server rules and subject to reprimand as though they were a player. Staff as a position requires an amount of trust and goodwill from the player base to continue performing its role.

a. All staff members retain their rights as players and all associated privileges and restrictions, with certain exceptions, including less restrictions on access to server channels compared to other players.

b. Maintaining tact and grace is especially important when it comes to interactions between staff and player, and it is imperative to maintain a veneer of being calm and collected at all time.embers of staff are required to assume positive intentions from the players at all time.

c. Conflict between staff and player erodes the public trust of the server, generally making all staff members� jobs more difficult. Assuming that actions are performed with malicious intent is the first step to creating more conflict than solving them.

d. Violation of the Server Rules and the following articles and clauses enumerated henceforth shall result in reprimand and appropriate punishments, including, but not limited to timeouts, removal from staff team, loss of access to specific channels, XP subtraction, kicks, and bans from the server.

All staff members are required to keep record of all staff activities, including any discussions had in text or in VC. If there is no record, then it did not happen. Said records must be made readily available to the rest of staff to whom the records might be immediately pertinent as soon as possible.

The duties of the Storytelling (henceforth, ST) team includes, and only includes:

a. Formulating, preparing, and executing narrative pertinent to a greater server metaplot, generally in agreement and with help from all members of the ST team.

b. Providing to the best of the team�s ability for the narrative needs of the player base.

c. Adjudicating game rules on an ongoing basis for the players in both ad hoc and deliberated manners.

d. Suggesting new house rules for consideration by the entirety of staff and casting votes for staff-side votes.

The duties of the Administrative (henceforth, Admin) team includes:

a. Performing regular maintenance activities of the server, such as awarding weekly experience to the players, updating character status and domain lists, updating the character titles, etc.

b. Maintain player character logistics, such as approving character sheets, performing occasional audits of characters when necessary, and directing concerns from players to the appropriate ST or to the server owner.

c. Suggesting new house rules for consideration by the entirety of staff and casting votes for staff-side votes.

d. Performing any necessary actions as needed to maintain the integrity and stability of the player-base of the server, including, but not limited to, the silencing or banning players who violate server rules after following a due process for punishment; the addition, reduction, or edition of various non-staff roles; making necessary changes to the formatting and components of the server channels, etc.

Enacting new house rules that have server wide ramifications should follow the following guidelines and procedure.

a. Proposed house rules by both members of the ST team and Admin team shall be communicated to both teams for approval to be put up to staff-side vote.

b. Only the Server Owner may officially call votes and end votes.

c. All members of staff receive one single vote per house rule vote, unless specifically expressed in the vote in question. Votes should generally require simple majorities to be passed.

d. Once the staff-side vote is passed, the vote is then presented to the entire player base for a confirmation vote. A simple majority is then required for the proposed house rule to be enacted.

e. Specific house rules and their variations may only be brought to vote once per season. Once a house rule has been voted upon, either passing or failing, in both staff-side voting or server-side confirmation, that house rule and its variations may not be voted upon until the next season of the server.

Enumerated are the rules and guidelines for enacting reprimand and punishment against any players and other staff members.

a. Punishments must be suitable for the crime which was committed.

b. Due warning and explanation must be given to the individual before the reprimand and punishment is enacted, including all forms of XP subtractions, timeouts, kicks, and bans.

c. Individuals should be given the opportunity to defend their own behaviors before the punishment is decided.

d. Only the Server Owner and Administrators may deliver kicks and bans as punishments for players. Other forms of punishments, such as timeouts, XP subtraction and lost of privileges to channels may be enacted by other staff members, within reason.

Amendment and Addition to these enumerated articles and clauses shall be performed through the following process and with the following guidelines.

a. Only the Server Owner may call votes pertaining to Amendments and Additions to the articles and clauses.

b. A call to vote may only be performed if a proposed Amendment or Addition also has the support of at least one Storyteller.

c. An Amendment or Addition is only successfully passed once a supermajority of at least 70% of the entire staff team has agree upon the Amendment or Addition and is subsequently confirmed by a simple majority of the player base.