Merit and Flaws provide personality and story hook which Storyteller and player alike may use to give characters and CAD greater depth. Players may use freebie points to purchase Merits; while taking on Flaws gives additional freebie points. The number of free points gained or spent is equal to the value of the particular Merit or Flaw and may not total more than ten (10).

Childe, Loyal (3pt. Merit)
Your childe�s loyalty goes beyond any Blood Bond, being born of true affection and admiration. They would do almost anything to aid you, and you trust them as you do not other among the Kindred. You would be grief-stricken should anything happen to them.

Enlightened (1-7pt. Merit)
You have taken at least the first few steps on the steep and complex road to Golconda. Although you have by no means achuieved this exalted state of being, you are more aware of the proper approach than the vast majority of your kind will ever be. Much of your time is spent in the quest for further information on Golconda and on attempting to progress towards this distant goal.

You are already capable of controlling yourself far better than most Kindred and have a number of dice equal to your rating in this Merit that you may add to your rolls to resist Frenzy. These dice may only be used on yourself. You must have a Humanity rating of eight (8) or higher to have this Merit.

Holdings (1-5pt. Merit)
You own a number of properties that have been in your possession for years. These have all been modified to provide you with protection, numerous places to rest and emergency escape routes. Although such holding are often ancient castles, museums and the like, they can also be specially prepared apartment complexes, mountain lodges, old churches, etc. For every point taken in this Merit you have two such holdings, which can be almost anywhere in the world.

Mummy Companion (5pt. Merit)
You have one of the world�s few mummies as a companion or close associate. Your relationship is one of relative equality, with neither of you able to dominate the other, and you find this most refreshing. Although it would not be condemned by the Kindred, you both take pains to keep the association secret. Other powerful Elders might wish to take advantage of your companion and the benefits they occasionally provide you. Other Kindred may even attempt to destroy the mummy or turn them against you rather than allow you access to their great stores of information and abilities.

Paramour (3-5pt. Merit)
You have had a long-term (minimum of 75 years) relationship with a fellow Kindred. Although you may have your disagreements over the many years, you are generally loyal to each other. You know most, if not all, of your paramour�s secrets, and your paramour knows as much about you. You have both come to each other�s aid several times over the years, and you would be aggrieved were anything to happen to your love. The cost of this Merit depends on the relative power and position of your paramour in Kindred society (3 for Ancilla, 4 for another Elder of equal power, 5 for a more powerful Elder).